"Your Easy Organic Gardening Guide" - a Simple way to Go Green!

Do you know that most produce is loaded with pesticides, fungicides and chemicals that are bad for your health?
Have you ever wanted to grow your own fresh, organic food, but were worried that it was difficult to grow?
Does the thought of "compost" scare you?
If you want to get the basics of what Organic Gardening is and discover just how easy it is to grow your own organic food, then this is the eBook for you - "Your Easy Organic Gardening Guide" gives you a thorough understanding of organic gardening, without over-loading you with details.
"Your Easy Organic Gardening Guide" is informative and beautiful with 40 photos and over 50 pages of explanation and guidance. It's packed with all the details you need to get your Organic Garden started today!
The Best part is - "Your Easy Organic Gardening Guide" is only $7.00!!
"How to Grow Organic Food" - Discover the Healthy Way to Eat

If you ready to start your Organic Garden and need the details to get "growing," then this is the eBook for you. Written by Helen Anderson; here's what she has to say about her book:
"'How To grow Organic Food' is the result of years of trial and error in the quest for finding healthy food for my family without putting us in the poor house. Have you seen the price of organic food in the grocery store lately?
It's all here - 100 plus pages, fully researched and coupled with years of personal experience to give you the best possible guide to grow organic food for your family.
Anyone can follow this guide......it's an easy, inexpensive and effective way to grow your own healthy food, no matter how busy your lifestyle, where you live in the world or what your budget is.
You won't have to worry any more about which dangerous chemicals your family is ingesting..........You'll be in charge and you will know that your family is eating right."
I say it will be the best $17 you've spent this year and you can consider "How to Grow Organic Food" an investment in your health and the future of the planet!
"'How To grow Organic Food' is the result of years of trial and error in the quest for finding healthy food for my family without putting us in the poor house. Have you seen the price of organic food in the grocery store lately?
It's all here - 100 plus pages, fully researched and coupled with years of personal experience to give you the best possible guide to grow organic food for your family.
Anyone can follow this guide......it's an easy, inexpensive and effective way to grow your own healthy food, no matter how busy your lifestyle, where you live in the world or what your budget is.
You won't have to worry any more about which dangerous chemicals your family is ingesting..........You'll be in charge and you will know that your family is eating right."
I say it will be the best $17 you've spent this year and you can consider "How to Grow Organic Food" an investment in your health and the future of the planet!