Let's face it, we are all responsible in small part for climate change. And what's more, the problems are bad, we have to admit. Maybe you deny this, well, what about all the bottles you threw out, or the glass that you didn't drop at the recycling depot, or even just the light bulb you forgot to turn off?
The fact is, unless you've been living like a hermit, holed up in the woods and surviving on cold scraps of meat and vegetables, then you are part of the problem. It is not too late, though, in fact, now is the best time for you to make an effort.
The simplest thing to begin with is saving electricity by unplugging your appliances when you're not using them. Believe it or not, when appliances are left plugged in they remain in a standby mode and continue to consume electricity. Unplugging will save energy for the earth and save money for you.
Try to not use plastic straws. Have you ever asked yourself where the plastic straws go after you drink them? Definitely, no one would use them again. Their ending would be in the dump, accumulating tons and tons over the years.
Sometimes the oldies are the best, and this is true here too, you should adhere to the three Rs- reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reuse old newspapers for lining or cleaning, reduce the amount of plastic bags you use, and recycle glass. These are just some of the ways you can bring the three R's to life.
If you run an office, you can certainly recycle any paper products that are not needed anymore. Setting up a workplace policy will make this an effective measure.
There are still a lot of ways on how you can help Mother Nature heal and most of them are quite easy, actually. The trick here is to feel the effects of the climate change, the need for cleaner water and the responsibility to contribute to change.
See more of this writer's articles on things including strawberry blonde and dye gray hair.
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